
This page contains details of and links to all the data dumps of the OpenCitations Meta and OpenCitations Index. They are made available online by means of the support of Figshare and of the Internet Archive.

OpenCitations Meta

The OpenCitations Meta database stores and delivers bibliographic metadata for all publications involved in the OpenCitations Index.

Most recent OpenCitations Meta data dump - June 2024 Dump

This dataset's dump, released on 2024-06-20, enhances its previous version by incorporating new data from the Crossref dump available at Crossref March 2024 Dump. This dump includes information on:

Type and formatArchiveSize
Metadata (CSV)tar.gz11G (47G zipped) on ext4
Metadata and provenance (RDF)tar.gz44G (145G compressed) on ext4

In addition, a CSV dump containing a mapping between all the bibliographic resources identified by an OMID (e.g., br/12345) and their corresponding PID(s) (e.g., DOI, PMID)

BR OMID map (CSV)ZIP4.4 GB (1.7 GB zipped)
Previous dumps

OpenCitations Index

The OpenCitations Index stores OMID-to-OMID references representing all the references gathered from several sources.

Most recent OpenCitations Index data dump - July 2024 Dump

Dump created on 2024-07-01. Compared to the previous dump, this one adds the citation data contained in the Crossref dump dated March 2024. This dump includes information on:

Type and formatArchiveSize
Citation data (CSV)ZIP179 GB (28.1 GB zipped)
Citation data (N-Triple)ZIP1.5 TB (65.6 GB zipped)
Citation data (Scholix)ZIP1.8 TB (39 GB zipped)
Provenance data (CSV)ZIP329 GB (15 GB zipped)
Provenance data (N-Triple)ZIP2.6 TB (83 GB zipped)

In addition:

Type and formatArchiveSize
Citation data sources' info (N-Triple): information regarding the data source collection (e.g., COCI, DOCI, POCI, etc) of all the citation dataZIP364 GB (20.4 GB zipped)
Citation count data (CSV): the number of incoming citations to each bibliographic entity (identified by an OMID) in OpenCitations IndexZIP1.1 GB (0.4 GB zipped)
Previous dumps